POPLaunch Walkthrough
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Welcome to the POPLaunch Walkthrough!
This document focuses on guiding you on how to interact with and understand the basic elements of POPLaunch.
POPLaunch can run on Mobile Telegram and PC/MAC Telegram.
To begin playing the game POPLaunch, you should visit the POPLaunch bot: https://t.me/Poplaunchbot
After the "🎮Game" button displays, touch it to start playing the game.
The game's screen will not expand to fullscreen due to the Telegram development platform.
If the bot doesn't show the "Game" button for you, please type the command /start in the chat box, then hit the Enter button.
The "🎮Game" button will then display. Tap the "PLAY" button when the game finishes loading.
Then, tap the "PLAY" button when the game finishes loading.
Enter the game's tutorial by following the instructions:
Initially, you will have 1000 power out of a 1000 power capacity.
Each time you tap the screen, your account will earn some coins, and it will consume power.
Some tips:
The game supports multi-touch, so playing on mobile will offer a better touch speed than on PC.
When the power runs out, don't forget to use boost tools.
Nitro Rocket: Skips power usage while touching; usage time is 10 seconds.
Multi-tap: After each upgrade, the number of coins you earn for each tap will increase.
Level-up table: (example provided)
Lv 1 → Lv 2: 2000 coin, 2 coins per tap. Lv 2 → Lv 3: 4000 coin, 3 coins per tap. Lv 3 → Lv 4: 8000 coin, 4 coins per tap. Lv 4 → Lv 5: 16000 coin, 5 coins per tap. Lv 5 → Lv 6: 32000 coin, 6 coins per tap. Lv 6 → Lv 7: 64000 coin, 7 coins per tap. Lv 7→ Lv 8: 128000 coin, 8 coins per tap. •••
Power-cap: After each upgrade, your power capacity increases.
Level-up table: Lv 1 → Lv 2: 2000 coin, max 1500 power cap. Lv 2 → Lv 3: 4000 coin, max 2000 power cap. Lv 3 → Lv 4: 8000 coin, max 2500 power cap. Lv 4 → Lv 5: 16000 coin, max 3000 power cap. Lv 5 → Lv 6: 32000 coin, max 3500 power cap. Lv 6 → Lv 7: 64000 coin, max 4000 power cap. Lv 7→ Lv 8: 128000 coin, max 4500 power cap. •••
Recharge rate: After each upgrade, the power recharge speed will increase.
Cost at Level N = 2000 x 2^(N-1) coin, Recharge rate N power/ second.
Friend invite and friend lists:
Another way to earn coins is to invite friends.
For each friend you successfully invite, after they mint 65,000 coins, you and that friend will receive a reward of 2,500 coins.
If you invite a total of 10 friends within 24 hours from the start, and these friends earn 65,000 coins, both you and those friends will be rewarded x10 the default amount of coins, meaning 25,000 coins for each person.
Leaderboard: The game features a full-time and global leaderboard.
The rankings are calculated based on the current number of coins in the player's balance and update once a day to improve performance.
We organize events for limited periods for various purposes, such as airdrops.
During each event, we may reward some of the players with the highest scores from the event's start to its end, calculated independently of the leaderboard score and typically based on the number of coins the player mints.
After each event ends, the score will also be hidden, as each event is independent.
Boosting: There are many boosting tools in the game to help you increase coin earnings. Touch the Boosts button on the main screen. Then, you can see all the boosting tools. Then you can see all boosting tools: Touch one of these tools, and then touch the confirm button to use/level up the tools. Note: The information inside figures might not be exactly the same as in the game when it's released, for example, the price, the parameters.
Full power: This tool will fully recharge your power. You have 3 charges. This boost is part of the daily bonus, reset at 0:00 UTC. Touch this button, then confirm to use it.
Each time you touch, you will receive x5 the normal amount of coins. You have 3 charges. This boost is part of the daily bonus, reset at 0:00 UTC.
Cost at Level N = 2000 x 2^(N-1) coin, N coins per tap.
Cost at Level N = 2000 x 2^(N-1) coin, 1000 + N x 500 power cap.
Maximum N = 4.
Quest: To earn significant coins in addition to tapping, you can complete easy quests. Touch the Quest button on the main screen then follow the quest requirements to claim rewards.
To access the Friend function, tap the Friends button on the main screen Then, tap the Invite a friend button. The game will generate a link in your chatting box on Telegram, which you can copy and send to your friend or post on Social Network Systems to increase the number of friends invited.